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Hironori Takeuchi

Passenger Ride Experience

A one-of-a-kind experience riding alongside a GT500 Champion.


As an exclusive benefit for Premium Members, we offer a special ride-along program during the TOLEDO Driving Events held four times a year.

Takeuchi will drive your vehicle while you ride as a passenger, allowing you to experience a professional racer’s driving firsthand. Unlike analyzing footage from onboard cameras and data loggers, this experience gives you direct insight into pro-level techniques—from cornering lines and weight shifting to acceleration and braking control.

As this takes place on the racing course, it offers a completely different experience from typical ride-along sessions on practice grounds.

Venue / Schedule

Fuji Speedway Racing Course

 • TOLEDO Driving Event (4 times a year)
 • Typically held in February, May-June, September-October, and December
 • Weekdays 15:00–16:00

 • Limited to 3 participants per session (15 min per person, first-come, first-served).


he fees for the Passenger Ride Experience are as follows:











 • Exclusive to Premium Members.
 • TOLEDO Driving Event entry fees apply separately.
 • Only 3 participants per session. Early reservations are recommended.
 • Vehicles with maintenance issues may be refused participation.
 • Post-session consultations are available, but full lessons are not included.

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